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Media education interaktive

Association Technology and Education Communication (Sadiman, 2006: 6) "restrict all forms and media as a channel that people use to distribute information". According to Gagne (1970) in (Sadiman, 2006: 6) "the media are different types of components in the environment that can stimulate students to learn". According to the National Education Association (NEA) in Sadiman, (2006: 7) "media are forms of communication both printed and audio-visual and equipment". Meanwhile, according to Hamalik (1994: 172) "the media is all the physical tools that can convey the message and stimulate students to learn".

According to Harto ( 2009 / 04 / 21 / multimedia-as-media-interactive-learning /), "Understanding related interactive 2-way communication or more of the components of communication. Communication components in an interactive learning media (computer based) is the relationship between humans (as a user / users of products) and computer (software / applications / products in a particular file format, usually in the form of CD)".

Media is an interactive learning tool or a means of carrying the message of learning resources to learn the message recipient (the student) so that two-way communication takes place or better and be able to simulate the audio visual material that looks real through pictures or animations. Interactive learning media could represent the teacher in constructing students' cognitive knowledge without its existence. This can happen if the media is well-designed interactive learning.

Sudjana and Rival (1992) in (Azhar, 2006: 24) suggests the benefits of learning media, namely:a. Learning will be more attracted the attention of students so as to foster motivation to learn.b. Learning materials will be more clearly its meaning so that it can more easily understood by students and allow to master it.c. Will be more varied teaching methods, not merely verbal communication through the narrative of words by the teacher. So that students do not get bored and the teacher does not run out of steam, especially if the teacher teaches in any hour lessond. students can learn to do more activities or student activity in learning does not only listen to descriptions of teachers. Based on this learning media can improve the quality of learning such as motivation to learn, increase student activity in learning. According to the Encyclopedia of Education Reasearch (Azhar, 2006:25) elaborates the benefits of media education as follows:

a. Laying concrete foundations for thinking, therefore reducing verbalisme.

b. Enlarge the students' attention.

c. Laying the foundations that are essential for the development of learning, therefore to make learning more


d. Giving a real experience that can grow on their own activities among students.

e. Helped to foster an orderly and continuous thought, primarily through live images

f. Helped to foster a sense that can help pekembangan language skills.

g. Providing experiences that are not easily obtained in any other way, and helps the efficiency of diversity in learning more.

From the description of both the proficiency level of experts in general benefits of instructional media is to facilitate interaction between teachers and students so that learning activities more effectively and efficiently. Meanwhile, more specifically the benefits of learning media are:

a. Delivery of learning material can be made uniform.

b. The learning process becomes more clear and interesting.

c. The process of learning becomes more interactive.

d. mproving the quality of student learning outcomes.

e. The media allows the learning process can be done anywhere and anytime. Instructional media can be

stimulated in such a way that students can make learning activities more freely wherever and whenever

without depending on a guru.Perlu we realize time is very limited study in school and actually the most

time outside the school environment.f. Media can foster positive attitudes toward students and learning


g. Changing role of teachers towards a more positive and productive.


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